Max & Terri Mieth's Fundraising Page
His Voice Global
Max & Terri Mieth's Fundraising Page
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Hello Family and Friends,

Terri and I have felt lead to join hands with His Voice Global this December in Arua, Uganda, Africa for a 10 day trip to stand alongside and lend a hand to the missionary families and students that call His Voice Global their home.  His Voice Global, with the vision of Redeeming, Restoring and Renewing lives, is making sustainable diiferences and raising up local leaders among the vulnerable in East Africa.  With multiple programs making a meanigful difference in the lives of those they touch, we believe an investment of our time and resources to be fertile groud in which to sow.  With that belief in mind, we are asking you to prayerfully consider joining us by prayer and/or support in accomplishing this mission venture.  I invite you to learn more about all the wonderful things HVG is doing in East Africa by viewing their website at and then asking the Lord if He wants you to be a part. Our hearts are already connected to the people we will be ministering to and we haven't even stepped foot on the continent yet.  It's our prayer that your hearts will feel the same.

Much Love and Prayers,

Terri & Max Mieth  

ABOUT Uganda Ministry Trips

For almost 20 years, it’s been His Voice Global’s (HVG) mission to redeem, restore, and renew individuals, families, and communities who have endured intense suffering and hopelessness in some of the most difficult to reach places on the planet.

At His Voice Global, we believe changing the world happens when one person gives what they can to help someone else who is suffering. By offering access to holistic change and giving the vulnerable a voice, you have the chance to be a part of redeeming, restoring, and renewing the broken.

HVG’s ministry in Uganda was birthed out of our South Sudan ministry. As some of the South Sudanese kids have gotten older they have gone to tech schools and universities in Uganda. We have 3 families of missionaries that work with the students, discipling them and doing ministry alongside them. 

Name Date Amount Comments
Anonymous Friend 12/08/2022 $103.30 Prayers as you spread His word and His love
Lauren Largent 12/04/2022 $103.30  
Jessica Pavlock 11/28/2022 $31.20  
Donna Lezak 11/27/2022 $51.80 Wishing you both a wonderful experience ❤️
Max Mieth 11/27/2022 $51.80  
Gina Shepherd 11/27/2022 $26.06  
Kenny & Alicia Baker 11/26/2022 $1,030.18 Go get ‘em! Touch lives! What HE has done to you, now allow HIM do thru you to others! Lay Hands on the sick, feed the poor, Love on them as HE has done for you two. All In the Name of Jesus! God blesses you to be a blessing to others for HIM. I’m excited for you two. From Alicia and myself!
Michelle Cassedy 11/26/2022 $208.43  
Brad Belote 11/15/2022 $103.30 Good luck and safe travels. - Brad
  Total $1,709.37  
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